25.2.2022 Kevään jäsenetu: ilmainen luento

Kevään jäsenetuna tarjoamme SOMTY:n jäsenille ilmaisen luennon: Evidence-based Injury prevention & Return to Sport screening, jonka pitää Prof. Dr. Damien Van Tiggelen. Luento pidetään kevätkokouksen jälkeen 14.5.2022 (kevätkokous alkaa klo 12.45). Luento pidetään etäyhteydellä ja englanniksi. Paikkoja on rajoitetusti, joten varmista paikkasi ilmoittautumalla kurssikalenterin kautta. Tilaisuudessa on kahvitarjoilu, joten ilmoitathan ruokarajoitteesi ilmoittautumisen yhteydessä.


Evidence-based Injury prevention & Return to Sport screening

This course dives into the scientific background and a variety of validated tests and evidence-based screening for:

  • Injury prevention: the latest evidence-based insights on injury prevention screening and injury risk profiling for athletes from multiple sports and for different injuries.
  • Rehabilitation: Return-to-Sports screening after an injury or after surgery.

The training is strongly recommended for experts with the intention of using practical testing in their daily practice or work. It is a theoretical knowledge about testing and screening skills, enabling participants to return to their daily work with a large number of valid and reliable tests; which can be used with professional or recreational athletes as well as with patients.

The course participants will be able to:

  • Know the scientific frameworks around injury prevention and RTS screening & why they are important
  • Have a basic understanding of screening and testing in practice
  • Know different tests and their strengths and limitations
  • Use scientific evidence to set up their own screening and testing approach


1st part: Focus on injury prevention
Theoretical framework: injury prevention screening; state of the art
Practical implementation: injury prevention in Football: Hamstring strain

2nd part: Focus on rehab & return to sport
Theoretical framework: Return to sport or activity screening; state of the art
Practical implementation: Return to running screening after ACL reconstruction

Prof. Dr. Damien Van Tiggelen

Head of Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at the Military Hospital Queen Astrid (Brussels, Belgium) where he leads a team of civilian and military medical doctors and physiotherapists specialized in musculoskeletal injuries.
Professor at Ghent University: Working on research projects concerning prevention and risk factors of overuse injuries of the lower limb within the musculoskeletal research group at the Ghent University. Teaching undergraduate and postgraduate physiotherapy students.
Obtained a PhD degree in motor rehabilitation & physiotherapy at the Ghent University.
Specialties: Sports injury prevention & rehabilitation, Manual therapy.