Protected: ME/CFS & Long COVID – Conference 2022

International Conference
Long COVID and ME/CFS – Treatment and Rehabilitation
Friday 7 – Saturday 8 October 2022
Conference report in English:
Available: Conference recording
The international conference of ME/CFS and Long COVID – Treatment and Rehabilitation is held in Tampere Finland (also online) on 7-8 October 2022. The conference presents current information about ME/CFS and Long Covid.
This innovative two-day conference will review the challenges of understanding the pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, treatment and rehabilitation of post COVID-19 condition (Long COVID) and ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome). Bringing together top researchers, clinicians and therapists working in this field we can better understand the underlying mechanisms and identify potential treatments.
The conference is directed for all health and social care professionals, patients and their families, and anyone interested in the subject. Finnish experts’ lectures will be presented in Finnish and lectures by experts from other countries will be presented in English. International experts will be presenting their lectures mainly remotely, Finnish experts on site in Tampere, Finland.
The following themes will be discussed during the conference:
- Pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical presentation and diagnostic
- Guidelines
- Dysautonomia, PoTS, OI, OH, MCAS
- Post-ICU and post-hospital care, PICS, pulmonary symptoms
- Hypermobility and EDS, intracranial hypertension
- Pain mechanisms, neuropathic pain, SFN
- Exercise intolerance, PEM/PESE, 2-day CPET
- Pacing and heart rate monitoring
- Respiratory physiotherapy
- Management and diagnosis of children and adolescents
- Caring for severe and extremely severe patients
- Psychologist’s perspective and trauma-informed care
- Patients’ and caregivers’ perspective
Keynote speakers
Friday, October 7, 2022
Finnish Time (+1 Hour CET/ +3 Hours UTC)
8.30 Registration, Coffee
9.00-9.05 Conference Opening, Sari Tanus, MP, MD
9.05-9.15 Welcoming, President of FIAOMT Jessica Harju and event coordinator Hanna Markkula
9.15-10.00 Long COVID Patofysiologia ja kliininen kuva, hoitosuositukset, Risto O. Roine, PhD, MD (Long COVID Pathophysiology and Clinical Presentation, Guidelines, presentation is in Finnish)
10.00-10.35 Long COVID Teho- ja sairaalahoidon jälkitila, keuhko-oireet, PICS, Salla Kattainen, MD (Long COVID Recovery After ICU and Hospitalization, Lung Problems, PICS, presentation is in Finnish)
10.35-10.45 Pause
10.45-11.15 ME/CFS Hyvä käytäntö konsensussuositus, Jorma Komulainen, MD (The Finnish ME/CFS Good Practice Consensus Guideline, presentation is in Finnish)
11:15-12.05 ME/CFS Pathophysiology and Clinical Presentation, Treatment, and Rehabilitation in Bragée Clinic, Björn Bragée, MD
12.05-13.05 Lunch
13.05-13.15 Filha
13.15-13.30 Long COVID -potilaiden puheenvuoro, Taija Rutanen, MSc, RN (Long COVID, Patients’ Perspective, presentation is in Finnish)
13.30-13.40 Omaishoitajan puheenvuoro, vaikea ME/CFS, Lars Hassel, caregiver (Carer’s Perspective, Severe ME/CFS, presentation is in Finnish)
13.40-14.20 Kipumekanismit ja neuropaattinen kipu, Jukka-Pekka Kouri, MD (Pain Mechanisms and Neuropathic Pain, presentation is in Finnish)
14.20-14.40 Mitä voimme oppia ME/CFS:n historiasta ja kokemustiedosta? Katja Brandt, PhD (ME/CFS: Lessons from History and Lived Experience, presentation is in Finnish)
14.40-15.00 Coffee
15.00-15.30 A Multidisciplinary NHS COVID-19 Service to Manage Post-COVID-19 Syndrome in the Community, Manoj Sivan, MD
15.30–16.10 ME/CFS Diagnosis and Management in Young People, Peter C. Rowe, MD
16.10-16.45 Caring for Severe ME/CFS Patients, Including the Example of Røysumtunet, Ola D. Saugstad, PhD, MD
16.45-17.00 Questions, Closing Speech, Hanna Markkula and Jessica Harju
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Finnish Time (+1 Hour CET/ +3 Hours UTC)
8.30-9.00 Registration
9.00-9.10 Welcoming, President of FIAOMT Jessica Harju and event coordinator Hanna Markkula
9.10-9.30 Call for Action: Health services in the European Region must adopt integrated care models to manage Post-Covid-19 Condition, Justine Gosling, PT
9.30-10.10 Dysautonomia and Exercise Intolerance in ME/CFS and Long COVID, David M. Systrom, MD
10.10-10.50 What the 2-day CPET informs us about PEM in ME/CFS and Long COVID, Betsy Keller, PhD
10.50-11.00 Pause
11.00-11.25 Pacing ja sykeseuranta PEM-oireen hallinnassa ME/CFS- ja Long COVID -potilailla, Tuuli Latvala, MSc, PT (Pacing and Heart Rate Monitoring in the Management of PEM in ME/CFS and Long COVID, presentation is in Finnish)
11.25-11.55 ME/CFS ja Long COVID, kuntoutus, sidekudoksen poikkeavuus, Hanna Markkula, PT (ME/CFS and Long COVID, Rehabilitation, Connective Tissue Abnormality, presentation is in Finnish)
11.55-12.55 Lunch
12.55-13.25 Trauma-informoitu kohtaaminen ammattilaisen ja potilaan näkökulmasta, Karita Palomäki, PT (Trauma-informed Care from Professionals and Patients’ Perspective, presentation is in Finnish)
13.25-13.55 Psykologi ME/CFS:n ja Long COVIDin hoidossa ja kuntoutuksessa, Meeri Keurulainen, MSc, PS (Psychologist in the Treatment and Rehabilitation of ME/CFS and Long COVID, presentation is in Finnish)
13.55-14.25 Respiratory Physiotherapy in Long COVID Rehabilitation, Ruth Ainley, BSc, PT
14.25-14.45 Coffee
14.45-15.15 An occupational therapist’s perspective: the care for severe ME/CFS and Long COVID, Amy Mooney, MS, OTR/L
15.15-16.15 Dysautonomia and MCAS in Long COVID and ME/CFS; Symptoms and Treatment, Theresa Dowell, DNP, PT
16.15-16.45 Trying to Find the Cause of ME/CFS and Long COVID, Ronald W. Davis, PhD, MD
16.45-17.00 Questions, Closing Speech, Hanna Markkula and Jessica Harju
Changes May Occur.
ORGANIZER: Finnish Association of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (FIAOMT)
Some previous lectures by speakers at the conference
- Peter Rowe: Observations on long COVID through an ME/CFS lens
- David Systrom: Exercise Intolerance in ME/CFS
- Björn Bragée presenterar verksamheten på Bragée kliniker
- Ola Saugstad: Webinar med professor Ola Diedrik Saugstad: ME- nytt i pamdemintid
- Amy Mooney: Physical & Occupational therapy for ME/CFS and similar chronic illnesses
- Ruth Ainley: Respiratory Physiotherapist Ruth Ainley talks about her experiences with treating COVID
- Manoj Sivan: Integrated Care Pathways of Long COVID in LMIC’s| World PT Day Conference 2021
Showing all 2 results